Average Planting Depth for Pond Plants
Average Guidelines
New Plant Depths Established Plant Depths
Hardy Water Lilies 8” – 12” 12” – 24”
Full Size Lotus Damp – 4” Damp – 8”
Smaller Size Lotus Damp – 2” Damp - 2” -6”
Marginal Plants Damp - 2” Damp – 2” – 6”
Bog Plants Damp - 2” Damp – 2” – 6”
Lily – Like Aquatics 2” – 6” 4” – 24”
Submerged Aquatics 6” – 24” 6” – 24”
Consider Wind
Tip: Keeping your plants upright in windy areas choose a wider and deeper container. This allows the plant root base to spread like the truck of a tree and become more stable.
Consider Sun Burning
If your plants have been traveling in a shipping box or even a shady area of a store. Place them in indirect sunshine for 2-5 days before gradually, Introducing them back to full sun. Consider, placing them in plastic totes (holds water) on the shady side of the house. A sunny window inside your home will NOT provide enough sunlight, even if the plant is considered shade-loving.